Fertilization & Lawn Care

We understand that fertilizing is an important lawn care practice, as it influences grass color, ability to recover from stress, and helps prevent weeds and diseases. Our fertilizing division is staffed with licensed and experienced professionals who will create a maintenance plan to keep your lawn and landscape beautiful!

All lawns need a balance of nutrients – both macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium as well as secondary nutrients – are calcium, magnesium and sulfur) and micronutrients (boron, copper, iron, chloride, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc). When grass is growing, it readily uses these nutrients. Correct fertilizing practices throughout the growing season promotes thick, dense grass that can resist insects, disease and weed invasions.

Costello Landscaping will customize a fertilization program that fits your needs and budget.

Typical application timeframes:

  • Early Spring: We start to fertilize early in the season. It offers the roots of the grass the nutrients it needs before the blades begin growing. Simultaneously, we apply a pre-emergent that prevents weeds and crabgrass from emerging.
  • Late Spring: As the weather starts to change, we apply another round of fertilizer. This helps to prepare your lawn for the warm, dry months that are just around the corner.  It also continues to further stop the weeds – crabgrass, and Dandelions! 
  • Early Summer: By now, your lawn it weed free! Appling a fertilizer will capitalize on the new growth and boost your lawn appearance and vigor.
  • Late Summer:  This application starts to It starts to stabilize our grasses and prepare for winter. This application will feed and strengthen your lawn, protect it against weeds/ crabgrass, as well as protect it against drought and high temperatures.
  • Fall: When our Connecticut temperate start to cool down, grasses begin to go dormant. A fall fertilizer application will encourage the root zones to be strong a healthy. Your lawn will be ready to grow strong and healthy for the coming spring. 

Weeds! We get it and we'll take care of it!

Pre-Emergent Herbicide

We apply a pre-emergent herbicide in the spring before the weed seeds have a chance to germinate. When pre-emergent are applied at the correct time and at the right intervals, it controls difficult weeds successfully.

When weeds are prevented, your grass has more access to nutrients and leaves little room for competing weeds to grow. Please remember that a pre-emergent herbicide need to be thoroughly watered in to be effective.   

Post-Emergent Herbicides

Inevitably, some weeds germinate after a pre-emergent is applied. Here’s when we use a post-emergent herbicide to control weeds. We’ll monitor your lawn for any of these tough guy weeds and specifically target them to eradicate it – right down to its root system.

As part of Costello Landscaping fertilizations programs – we’ll monitor your property for weeds and treat is accordingly.

Source: Uconn 

Call us at (860) 747-1771 or contact us online if you have any questions!

Serving Central Connecticut and surrounding towns:

  • Goshen
  • Harwinton
  • Northwest Harwinton
  • Litchfield
  • Bantam
  • New Hartford
  • Plymouth
  • Terryville
  • Thomaston
  • Torrington
  • Watertown
  • Oakville